Advance Directives
What is an advance directive?
An advance directive, sometimes called a "living will," is a written document that tells your health care providers who should speak for you and what medical decisions they should make if you become unable to speak for yourself. This information is important if you become unconscious or otherwise too sick to make your wishes known.
State and federal laws give you the right to make many health care decisions in advance so that your wishes can be honored in the event you can’t express them. It is your right, as a competent adult (a person over the age of 18), to decide whether to accept, reject or discontinue medical treatment for yourself. This includes decisions about life-sustaining treatments, such as breathing machines and feeding tubes.
Documents such as the advance directive can help ensure that your loved ones and your health care team honor your wishes. Even though these situations can be uncomfortable to think about, planning in advance offers you and your family members peace of mind and helps eliminate confusion in a difficult time.
Advance Directives | Your Voice Matters
An advance directive is a legal document that shares your wishes for care at the end of your life. Paulette shares the story of her brother's life and the importance of establishing an advance directive.